Question: Can my two daughters be on the same teams?


Answer: Yes. As long as they qualify for the same age group. However, this may not apply for Select or AllStar teams.



Question:  What are the criteria for placing my daughter in an age group?


Answer:  Your daughter’s age is determined by the date she was born as of August 31st of the current year.  (i.e. If your daughter’s age is 10 on August 31st, 2023, then she would play in the 10U Division.)  Please refer to the USA Softball Age Chart listed on our website.



Question:  Can my daughter play up in the older age group?


Answer:  The goal of the league is to have all of the girls playing at their age level or group.  Any movement up would require Board Approval. A player's age as of September 1st now determines the age a player is eligible to complete the following year. This cutoff date update will more closely align with most school cutoff dates, allowing players to most often play with those in the same grade.  Players are not allowed to play down a division.



Question: Can we get my daughter’s friend on the same team for carpooling purposes?


Answer: The teams are formed by a draft process to ensure fair and equal placement of players among teams. Because of this process, we cannot guarantee her friend will be on the same team. The only exception is in the 6U Division where we try to group the girls with their classmates to make it a more enjoyable experience for them.



Question: What will I have to purchase when the season starts?


Answer: For Spring Season, the league provides a jersey, long pants, socks and head piece as part of your registration fee. For Fall Season, pants are not provided.  The players need to provide their own glove, bat, helmet (with face mask) and rubber cleats. 14U ONLY can use metal cleats. You may also want to purchase sliders, knee pads as optional items. 



Question: Where and when are the games played?


Answer: During the Spring Season, teams may play one to two weekday games and one game on Saturday. 6U teams will only have one game a week usually played on Saturday but is subject to change based on the number of teams we have and field availability.  All games will be played at Bancroft School, Heartwell or Mayfair Park. For Fall season, only one game a week for 6U and 8U.  Double-Header games will be played for 10U - 14U Divisions on Saturdays. Some travel will be required in the Fall season as we usually interleague with surrounding LA/Southbay leagues.



Question: When will the manager call me to start the season?


Answer: For the Spring Season, all players (except 6U) will attend the skill assessment Evaluation Day at Bancroft School in early January. A player draft will be held the following week. Your team manager will contact you as soon as the team is formed, within 48-72hrs after the draft.  Evaluation Dates and Draft Dates will be highlighted on the LBHFP's calendar once dates are set. 



Question: What time are games and practices held?


Answer: For the Spring Season, weekday games generally start between 5:00pm and 5:30pm and the last games of the night generally start between 7:00pm and 7:30pm. Saturday games times will begin at 9:00 a.m. and will continue throughout the day. Please keep in mind that your manager will want you at the field an hour or more before the game time, so your daughter is warmed up properly. For Fall Season, games will be on Saturday starting at 9am and will continue throughout the day. 


Practices are scheduled once the season starts two days a week. Practices will begin on February 1st. Younger Divisions practice time usually starts at 5:00 p.m. and they practice for about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Older Divisions practice time is 7:00 to 8:30pm. 6U team practices may only be for 1 hr. 


We are not able to tell you what days your daughter's practices & games will be as the schedule is not created until after teams are formed. We try our best to accommodate coaches preferred days & times they request but we do not know what team your daughter will end up on as it is a draft process.  Parents MUST be flexible and understand that practices could be any day of the week.



Question: What volunteer positions are still needed?


Answer: Our league is made up of only volunteers and we could use as much help as you are willing to lend. At the first team meeting, your manager will ask for volunteers to help as team Mom, scorekeeper, and snack bar shifts. Please help out and volunteer your time. If you are interested in joining our Board of Directors/Axillary Board, please send an e-mail to A list of open board positions can be found on our website.


Question: Do I have to work in the snack bar?


Answer: If you decide to pay the $100 "Refundable" deposit, you will be required to work 1 3hr shift to receive your deposit back. Only 1 shift is required per family.  There is no Buy Out option. If you have chosen not to work the snackbar. We will, in turn, use your deposit to pay a worker to work for you. Head Coaches ONLY are exempt from working the snackbar.  However, the league will hold on to their snackbar deposit until the end of the season. Once the head coach returns the borrowed equipment, they will get their deposit back.


Question: Do I have to stay at practices and games?


Answer: We strongly encourage parents to attend practices and games. If you must leave, be sure that you are back on time to pick up your daughter. The Coach cannot leave the field until he/she makes certain that all players have been picked up. Additionally, a league approved adult must always be present at practices and games.



Question: Who do I call if I have problems with my Coach, uniform, fundraiser, etc.?


Answer: You should always try to solve any problems through your Head Coach or Team Mom first. If he/she does not seem able to resolve your issue, you can contact the Division Player Agent. That person’s name and email can be found on the LBHFP website under “Board”.  If the matter requires further attention, they will contact the appropriate league leadership representative to get the issue resolved. 



Question: Can I attend LBHFP Board Meetings if I am not on the board?


Answer: Yes, we encourage anyone to attend. Please check the calendar on our website to confirm dates & times.



Question: I am a team Coach, can I hold my team practices anywhere I want?


Answer: No. You may only practice at the time and place that our insurance covers. Our insurance only covers LBHFP for fields that are assigned to us by the City of Long Beach or Lakewood.



Question: Will I have to Fundraise?

Answer: Yes. Each Spring Season, every player (if there are siblings, only 1 child is required to fundraise) is required to participate in our season fundraiser. Each child will be required to sell $100 worth of raffle tickets or whatever the Board decides on what the fundraiser will be.  In addition to the player fundraiser, each team is required to get a league sponsorship. LBHFP is a non-profit volunteer organization. Each sponsorship is tax-deductible. 



Question: Can I get a refund after I register my daughter?

Answer: Refunds will be issued prior to the end of regular registration minus the $10 credit card processing fee.  No refunds will be allowed after player evaluations. NO EXCEPTIONS!